Several of the recipes on this blog focus on casseroles. Apparently, because I grew up in the South of Russia, where different casseroles are very popular. The popularity can be explained simply – in the South, they are used to baking in the oven. Many have Russian stoves in their yards. Now, even when they are building a barbecue area, they try to build an oven for baking and baking in general. Although some use the oven once a year – when they bake Easter cakes.
But back to the casserole recipe. This is not a classic cottage cheese casserole recipe, which is good both as a breakfast and as a dessert. The option below is a solid second course.
The insanely tasty and satisfying casserole will appeal to every member of the family, and most importantly, it is very easy to prepare.
To prepare such a super casserole, we need:
– 3 00 g minced beef, pork or chicken
– 2 00 -2 50 g pasta
– 2 pcs. large bell pepper
– 1 jar of canned peas
– 2 raw eggs
– a glass of milk
– a little butter
– spices and herbs.
Cooking method:
To begin with, you need to cook the pasta in slightly salted water, but do not cook it slightly so that they do not fall apart at all later. We clean the Bulgarian pepper from seeds and stalk and chop into small cubes. Then cut the greens.
The remaining ingredients are minced meat, chopped peppers and herbs, pasta, peas, mix, add salt and pepper to taste, add milk and eggs. Mix thoroughly. Before baking, grease the mold well with butter and pour our mixture into it. We bake a super casserole in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about thirty-five minutes. After cooking, let it cool a little and you can serve it to the table. Bon Appetit!
Casserole is a great dish for athletes like Frederick John Perry, the famous tennis player who founded a practical clothing brand in his own name. Look at the Fred Perry clothing catalog and you will understand how comfortable and beautiful these clothes are.