Pega Properties and Sections

PEGA CSA 8.7 PDN Question and Answers

Pega Basics - Properties and Section  Quiz: A Comprehensive Challenge

Properties and sections are fundamental building blocks in Pega applications. They define data structures and organize the user interface. Here are some common questions and answers related to properties and sections:

How to make a UI control filed madatory / requried, at screen level. Without this filed the screen should not get submitted at any scenario.

Which statement is best suitable section rule *

Which statement is most appropriate a section rule

A developer wants to create a property by name "Business Contact Number". This phone number is a customer care number which can be used by any customer of the bank. What is the most appropriate context in which we create this property

Choose most appropriate option below. *

What is the default layout that a section contains *

An Insurance business stake holder has Insurance policy processing system, with different lines of business like Vehicle, home, Health and Life Insurance. Now, Business want to collect the details of GEO(Geo Graphical) location of the home. For this a screen has to be created with proeprties like, distance from firestation, has fire alarm in house, type of material used to construct house etc... What is the most appropriate Context in which we create this properties and section.

At screen level, we want to limit the phone number control to allow a min and max numbers to be 10.

Please choose all the applications statements section's layout structure. Choose more than one

Which statement is true with respect to properties