Ayurvedic concept and Yogic concept of health are part and parcel aspects of health. These concepts focus on balancing mind, body, and social well-being. Ayurvedic concept of health is the most primitive medicine of Indian tradition which we inherited from our ancestors. The ayurvedic concept emphasizes the accurate balance of hormones in the body. It includes practice, thought, and text.
It describes diet, exercise, blood purification to create potential comprehension, physical strength, and spiritual enlightenment. It includes therapy, surgery, meditation, medical oil, and herbs. The Yogic emerged from Yoga. The concept of health is a point of convergence on meditation, exercise, proper diet plan, etc. Both concepts have individual perceptions. We’ll see one by one the quality of both concepts.
Ayurvedic concept of Health
Ayurvedic concept of health is very ancient that includes the natural hubs and medicine for treatment and prevention. The best part of this shows no side effects on health. It includes environmental elements for creating the medicine or physical activities performed by the patients. It prefers the body functioning must perpetrate inner circulation properly. Relaxation, stress-free, body strength are the basic functions of the Ayurvedic concept of Health. In the Ayurvedic concept, it is believed that all the things which are present in this universe, are made of five elements water, fire, sky, earth, and air. The ayurvedic concept is made by Doshas. There are three terms of Doshas.
Term of Doshas
Vata – It means a move that is usually generated by air and space elements. It is like a moving something behind Pitta and Kapha. It is believed that it creates a balance of health. It impacts emotions, feelings, thought, and creativity.
Pitta – It means a shine. It is made of a fire element. It refers to our metabolic functions.
Kapha – It is created by water and earth element. It promotes positive emotions like comprehension, forgiveness, etc.
The Ayurvedic concept or philosophy is based on “Prakriti”. The work of the Ayurvedic concept is to provide the knowledge about advantages of a healthy lifestyle to live a healthy life. In the 21st century, we can still find the Ayurvedic concept of health being applied in our daily life. But after the existence of science and other medicines, most people prefer medicines and go to hospitals for treatment to have an instantaneous relief because not every time Ayurvedic medium is applicable remarkably. According to The Ministry of Ayurveda, the medicine contains harmful elements like lead, toxic herbs, etc.
The main motive of the Ayurvedic concept is not only how to treat or care for the patients but also, to prevent diseases, illness, and other health-related problems. It provides us textbooks and
extensive knowledge of positive thoughts and a vigorous life schedule. Ayurvedic philosophy focuses on mainly five terms touch, hearing, vision, taste, and smell. It ensures that all these functions must work properly for health balancing.
The yogic concept of health
The yogic concept is not far different from the ayurvedic concept but yes, there is a little bit of difference between both. It is a precious gift inherited from a transformation through inheritance by our ancestors. The yogic concept of health cynosures on meditation, diet, exercise, and how to prevent health issues. It is not a new concept. We have been following this concept for a month of Sundays. Our government does promote the yogic concept on an international level. We celebrate international Yoga day on 21st June every year. There is no side effect of a yogic concept until you use it negatively. The best time to perform yoga and take exercise is in the morning. There are so many meditational postures and activities to get rid of diseases. Yoga contains eight limbs:
Asanas :- It means a posture or an activity to improve physical strength and controlling intellectual energy.
Dhyana :- It proliferates our memory and improves concentration power.
Yama :- It is a combination of some rules which are followed in the Yogic concept. It means discipline which controls all the activities according to the schedule.
Satya :- It indicates honesty and truth and refers to not telling a lie instead always speak the truth and positive words.
Pranayama :- It is related to our body functioning. It mainly focuses on activities based on breathing.
Pratyahara :- It means our sense of food and how we choose our daily food. It refers to eat only food which is good for our health like vegetables and fruits. It doesn’t refer to meat and kill other animals for food.
Dharana :-It means to focus or concentrate. It increases concentration power as well as gives stimulation to our minds.
Samadhi :- This is a very crucial part of life. It means a spiritual renunciation before a natural death is known as Samadhi which is a meditational form that is acted out before death by the saints and gurus.
The Yogic concept of health needs much more patience, discipline, and dedication. It is hard to be followed by everyone. It is an effective health benefits way to stay fit and healthy. Most people compare Yoga and gym, which one is best for health and long life. The yogic concept was unequivocal in the past and still has its own distinguished existence. Some innumerous people follow yoga. We should learn good and positive things from these concepts.