Happy Birthday Quotes for a Sister

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Hello Friends!! In our families we will give a lot of respect to sisters why because Father, Mother, and Brother always show special interest in sisters. The reason behind that is in every families parents give a lot of importance to the daughter, In a similar manner Brother also give lot of importance to sister because sister will make lot of fun in families.In a family siblings are there and their will be lot of fun every time every one will confuse, parents and brother can identify while others it’s difficult.

If they want to write a exam who prepares well one can go and write an exam.But now a days it is not possible because china introduced finger prints.Even in siblings the finger prints will be different that is why all countries using finger print system like competitive exams and passport verification when ever it necessary they are using now a days technology improved very vastly.And in families sisters are more compared to brothers and you can see in election,the party which get the highest number of votes then that party will be declared as the ruling  party like that sisters are more in a family sisters will dominate the family.

Dominate means playing cheap tricks like i did not concentrate on education because every time brother wants to play chess game with me that is why i am not concentrating properly  and other sibling also support his sister just for fun and nothing else.Just simply throwing on others because majority is high in the family.You know in siblings the way of thinking,way of behavior and genes  ninety nine percent are equal.And one more thing if one sibling gets a fever and other sibling also gets  fever chances of getting fever are more and more.I forgot my happy birthday Quotes for a sister look at it very interesting.



Happy Birthday Quotes For A Sister

Happy birthday to the best, finest, greatest, coolest, grooviest and bodacious sister ever born…anywhere in this whole wide world


“Happy birthday sister! Please don’t hate me because I’m younger.”


Keep calm and wish my sister a Happy Birthday


May God bless you with his choicest blessings?

And fill your life with happiness and brilliance.

Wishing you a very happy birthday!



Sister means

S – Supportive

I – Independent

S – Smart

T – Talented

E – Elegant

R – Remarkable



You’re the darling of dad

The favourite daughter of mom

The apple of uncles and aunts’ eyes

But you’re the best sister to me.

Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday

My sister, someone

Who has

Always been

There for the good times


The bad times

Wishing you a

Very happy

b’day to my sweet sister




On your Birthday, I thought, I’ll wish you all the happiness you deserve,

But that’s hard, since then all the world’s joy would end up in a Reserve,

Because my sister is most worthy of endless moments of sheer delight,

With a pure, honest soul, with a heart that’s gloriously beautiful n bright,

So I thought I’d settle with lot of fun and enjoyable moments for my sis,

And I wish that all your days and nights, each moment becomes bliss.

Have a blessed Birthday Sis!



Wish you a very happy and warm birthday. Love you my sweet sister. You made my childhood special. And although the times have gone, the sweet memories shall never fade. May you have a great life ahead…



Why do you worry about growing older?

When you are like wine

Just getting better and better

With age?

Happy Birthday

To the one of the most

Special person in my life!



Many years ago on this day, God decided to send an angel to earth. The angel was meant to touch lives and that happened! Happy Birthday my sweet angel.



Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the most beautiful of them all? It’s my sister, didn’t you know She’s the best, I don’t need to show The most important thing that I want to say Is that today is her Birthday I wish that the path of happiness she treads Brings her joy and surprises in the year ahead. Wishing you a Happy Birthday dearest sis!!!



I Love My


She is simply amazing

And i just couldn’t imagine

My life without her



Her eyes filled with tears when I was very happy, that’s my sister!


You Are My Best & Loving sister who fights With Me….? Who plays with me…? Suggest me & shouts at me…? But you are so Soft-hearted & I Love You my dear Sister….. Happy Birthday Sister…..


There are some bonds,

Which are deep and profound?

Few people forever

Rest in your heart



They are actually our

Most valuable part

Dear sister,

It’s you whom i love

And always still

On your birthday

This is what i wanted to tell



I am so thankful to have a sister like you in my life. Celebrate your birthday in a big way! You have always deserved the best.



Husbands come and go; children come and eventually they go. Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing that’s never lost is your sister




On your Birthday my dear sister

I wish I can go back in time and slap myself every time i hart u

I wish you, a very happy birthday

May god pour all his love and warmth on u?


Thanks for the many rides on the SISTER SHIP. It has always been out of this world to be around you. Happy Birthday.

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life


A special wish just to say. Hope you have a lovely day. Happy Birthday sister


Our parents made us siblings; we became friends on our own. Happy Birthday Sister.


We may be sisters by birth

But we are friends by heart

We may be family by default

But we have been bffs from the start

We may be sibblings,without choice

But we choose to be much more

Wish you a happy birthday sis

I love you from the core


Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood



I am so glad you’re my sister. I hope that your birthday brings you everything you could want more! Happy  Birthday


A very special sister

For many years we’ve shared our lives

One roof we once lived under

Sometimes we laughed, sometimes we cried

Through winter storms and thunder

The younger years have faded fast

We’ve gone our separate ways

But through all time our friendship lasts

Our bond in life remains

As summer brings the happy times

The autumn winds will whisper

A closer friend I’d never find

Than the one I call my sister.



A quarter century ago today, God saw fit to allow a beautiful baby girl to come into our lives! She grew and she grew, and she is still growing! She is my funky weirdo, my plan, my black beauty, and that only scratch surfaces because she has so many layers! She is my ride it to the end, and the one who hears from God even though she doesn’t always listen (insider)! Who would I have if she wasn’t here? God makes no mistakes and she’s my proof! He gave me a sister by force and a best friend by choice! I love you to pieces baby girl! Happy Birthday!


I still remember the fights we had. I still remember the joys we shared. Today on your birthday here is a special wish, that you always stay happy and blessed in life. Happy Birthday dear sister.


Dear sis,

Wishing you

Many many happy returns of the day

I wish the day

Will be filled with cute moments as cute as you are


Now I understand why My husband is such Α gentleman who is so respectful of women. That  is because He has grown υp with a wonderful sister like you. Happy  Birthday sister


My relationship with you is so much more than i ever knew it would be. You are a wonderful person and the perfect sister for me.


Happy Birthday Sister. your kindness takes my breath away and good nature melts the heart…Dear Sister, I am so grateful that God has blessed you throughout this year. I know it has been a hard one but I am sure that others will agree with me that you have also blessed us all with your faith this last year. May this New Year be radiant with his love and peace! Happy Birthday! I love you. You are the one and only my cute little sister.



A sister who knows how to make me smile,

And cry at the same time.

A sister who taught me

The things i know by now

That’s my sister and she’s the best,

Happy Birthday, Sis!


If i had to pray to god to bestow mankind

With only 3 gifts, I would pray for food,

Shelter and great sisters for everyone

You’re the best sister

Happy Birthday



You give me what My  parents never chose to gave Me, what My  husband can never give Me  and what My friends tried hard to give me but They couldn’t – Sisterhood. Happy birthday to My sister


Click Here For Best Happy Birthday Quotes For A Sister

Happy Birthday

My dear sweet sister

I hope your special day

Is blessed with

Sunshine and smiles

Laughter and love

To a perfect sister



To my fabulous sister Happy Birthday.



Happy Birthday to my beautiful baby sister (who kind of looks like me with long dark curly hair)! I hope your day is as wonderful as you are! I miss you and hope to come soon for a visit. I know this move will allow us to visit more and get to know our nieces better! I love you, girl!



Happy Birthday to sister







who has everything

Have a beautiful day



On this special day as you celebrate your birthday….

Here’s wishing you a whole lotto happiness

And sweet happiness!

Happy Birthday!

Ι feel jealous of you because all the focus and attention of the family has shifted from me Αs the child of the house to you as the new bride οf the house. But deep down in My heart I know that you deserve It. Happy birthday dear sister



Dear sister

The best thing about

Having a sister

Is that I will always

Have a friend…

How i love you

Happy Birthday


What would the world be without?

Bright sunshine and the morning dew

That is how dark and dull my life

Would be without a sister like you…

Happy Birthday



Ι really should Have to you This a long Time ago. Ι am so thankful that you Are my sister. Ι have learned so much about you and Ι can honestly say that you are a Blessing to our family. Happy Βirthday!



Dear sister

A sister is a gift to the heart

A friend to the spirit

And a golden thread to the

Meaning of life

Happy Birthday


You look very great, Sister You do so much In your life. You are always on the go, And yet you still seem tο keep yourself υp and still Brighten the lives of those around you. Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday Sister

Sisters are special

Sisters are friends

They laugh at jokes

That no other understands

Sisters share memories

Of smiles and tears

They share the same parents

And all of their years



Birthdays are a new start, a fresh beginning, and a time to pursue new endeavours with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You’re a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing!






Though all my life, you have been there for me

When no one else has.

You are my sister first,

And my best friend always

Happy Birthday sis!


I have been looking everywhere for a decent gift, but I found nothing suitable for someone as special as you, so accept a good thought and my best wishes, accompanied by a sincere “Happy Birthday!”

A sister Just like you

I just want to let you know

You mean the world to me

Only heart as dear as yours

Would give so unselfishly



The many things you’ve done

All the times that you were there

Help me know deep down inside

How much you really care


Enough though I might not say

I appreciate all you do

Richly blessed is how i feel

Having a sister just like you


“Dear sister, although we may argue from time to time, you will always be the most important person in my life. I love you more than words could ever say. Happy birthday!”


From the bottom of my heart.

And may your good times multiply

Till they are flying off the chart!

Happy Birthday Sister!



Many of my favourite memories are from growing up with you. Happy Birthday

You have the sweetest and the cutest smile i have ever seen. I wish to always see you with that smiling face. Which brightens up our day. I love you. My sister and i wish you a very happy and warm Birthday. May you achieve big things in life. God bless you.



“We’re sister by chance, but we became best friends by choice. Here’s to your birthday, sis! May you have an incredible day?”


Together we have shared…

Our joys and sorrows

And so much more…




I may not say it often

But i want you know…

I am so blessed to have

A sister like you!



Whenever life pushes me

Down to a new low

A hug from my sister

Wipes away all my woes

Happy Birthday Sister!



“Sisters are like two flowers from the same garden. The sun was clearly shining so brightly on your side. Happy birthday, sister.”


I am very amused and happy to

Wishing you that, This Birthday

Bring happiness, Enjoyment

Exhilaration and joviality,

Contentment in your life.

Happy Birthday sister



“Happy Birthday Sister

There’s no other

Love like the

Love for a sister

And there’s no

Other Love like

The love form a


I am lucky to have a sister like u…