Introduction to Case Design in Pega

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Case design in Pega refers to the process of defining and creating a case management process within a Pega application. A case management process is used to manage and track work that needs to be done within an organization. A case in Pega can represent a customer service request, a loan application, a claim, or any other type of work that needs to be managed.

Introduction to Case types

Case types are a fundamental concept in Pega and are used to define the structure and content of a case in a Pega application. A case type represents a type of work that needs to be managed, such as a customer service request, a loan application, a claim, or any other type of work.

Here are some of the key aspects of case types in Pega:

  1. Definition: A case type defines the structure of a case and includes information about the type of work, the data that needs to be captured, and the steps involved in processing the case.
  2. Data Model: The data model for a case type defines the structure and relationships of the data that needs to be captured. This includes the data types, relationships between data elements, and any constraints or rules that need to be applied.
  3. Workflow: A case type includes a workflow that defines the steps involved in processing a case. The workflow includes tasks that need to be completed, roles responsible for each task, and rules that govern the flow of the case.
  4. Forms: A case type includes forms that are used to create, update, and view cases within the application. The forms capture information related to the case and are used to provide users with a user-friendly interface to work with cases.
  5. User Interface: A case type includes a user interface that defines the layout, design, and functionality of the application, including the forms, worklists, and dashboards.
  6. Security: A case type includes security rules that define who can access and perform actions on cases within the application.

Case types are a key component of case design in Pega and are used to define the structure, content, and behavior of a case. By defining case types, organizations can ensure that their case management processes are efficient, effective, and meet the needs of the business. With Pega’s low-code platform and drag-and-drop tools, case types can be easily created, allowing organizations to quickly and easily build case management processes that meet their specific requirements.

What is a Case life cycle

The case life cycle refers to the series of steps that a case goes through from creation to resolution. It defines the steps involved in processing a case and the status of the case at each stage. The case life cycle is an important aspect of case management and helps to ensure that cases are processed efficiently and effectively.

Here are some of the common steps involved in a typical case life cycle:

  1. Case Creation: A case is created when a customer, employee, or other party initiates a request or submits information. This can be done through a form, email, phone call, or other means.
  2. Case Assignment: The case is assigned to the appropriate person or team responsible for processing the case. This may involve routing the case to a specific team, assigning it to a specific person, or using other assignment rules to determine the responsible party.
  3. Case Processing: The responsible party processes the case by performing the required tasks, updating the case information, and taking any necessary actions. This may involve conducting research, reviewing documents, or communicating with the customer.
  4. Case Review: The case is reviewed to ensure that all necessary information has been gathered and that the case is ready for resolution. This may involve reviewing the case with a manager or other subject matter expert.
  5. Case Resolution: The case is resolved by taking the necessary actions to address the request or issue. This may involve issuing a resolution, closing the case, or escalating the case to a higher level of support.
  6. Case Closure: The case is closed when it has been resolved and all necessary actions have been taken.

The case life cycle can vary depending on the specific case management process and the requirements of the business. However, these steps provide a general overview of the steps involved in processing a case. By understanding the case life cycle, organizations can ensure that their case management processes are efficient, effective, and meet the needs of the business.

Design a case type in Pega

Designing a case type in Pega involves the following steps:

  1. Define the Objectives: Determine the objectives of the case type, including the type of work that needs to be managed and the data that needs to be captured.
  2. Create the Data Model: Define the structure of the data that needs to be captured, including the data types, relationships between data elements, and any constraints or rules that need to be applied.
  3. Define the Workflow: Develop the workflow for the case type, including the steps involved in processing the case and the roles responsible for each step.
  4. Design the Forms: Create the forms that will be used to create, update, and view cases within the application. These forms should capture all necessary information related to the case and provide a user-friendly interface for working with cases.
  5. Develop the User Interface: Define the layout, design, and functionality of the application, including the forms, worklists, and dashboards.
  6. Define the Security Rules: Determine who will have access to cases within the application and define the security rules that will govern access and actions on cases.
  7. Test and Deploy: Test the case type to ensure that it meets the objectives and requirements of the business. Deploy the case type into the production environment and monitor its performance.

By following these steps, you can design a case type in Pega that meets the needs of the business and ensures that cases are processed efficiently and effectively. With Pega’s low-code platform and drag-and-drop tools, designing a case type can be done quickly and easily, allowing organizations to quickly implement case management processes that meet their specific requirements.

User context in Pega

User context refers to the information related to a specific user in Pega. This information can include details such as the user’s role, responsibilities, and access to specific resources and functionality within the application.

The user context is used to determine the actions that a user can perform within the application and the information that is presented to them. This helps to ensure that users have the information and functionality that they need to perform their tasks effectively, while also limiting access to sensitive information and functionality as necessary.

In Pega, the user context is stored in a User Profile, which is a data structure that contains information about a specific user, such as their name, email, role, and other details. The User Profile can be used to personalize the application for each user, such as by customizing the forms and dashboards that are displayed to them.

In addition, Pega also provides a number of security and access control features that can be used to manage user context, including the ability to define roles and responsibilities, assign users to roles, and restrict access to specific resources and functionality based on role. This allows organizations to ensure that users have the access they need to perform their tasks, while also limiting access to sensitive information and functionality as necessary.

By understanding the importance of user context and using Pega’s security and access control features, organizations can ensure that their applications are secure and that users have the information and functionality they need to perform their tasks effectively.

Updating Case status in Pega

Updating the status of a case in Pega involves changing the value of the status property to reflect the current status of the case. This can be done using a number of different techniques, depending on the requirements of the application and the desired user experience.

Here are a few common techniques for updating case status in Pega:

  1. Using a flow action: A flow action can be used to update the status of a case and transition the case to a different stage in the workflow. This can be done by creating a flow action that sets the value of the status property and then executing the flow action when a user performs a specific action, such as clicking a button.
  2. Using a screen flow: A screen flow can be used to guide users through the process of updating the status of a case. This can be done by creating a screen flow that includes one or more screens where the user can select the desired status and then updating the value of the status property when the user submits the form.
  3. Using a harness: A harness can be used to display a form that allows the user to update the status of a case. This can be done by creating a harness that includes a form that includes a drop-down or select field for the status property, and then updating the value of the status property when the user submits the form.

In all of these techniques, it is important to consider the requirements of the application and the desired user experience when choosing the method for updating the status of a case.

By updating the status of a case in Pega, organizations can ensure that the current status of each case is accurately reflected in the application, which is important for reporting, analytics, and overall process visibility and management.

How to add instructions to assignments in Pega

Adding instructions to assignments in Pega can help ensure that users have the information they need to complete the assignment correctly and efficiently. There are a few different ways to add instructions to assignments in Pega, including the following:

  1. Using the Assignment shape in a flow: When creating a flow, the Assignment shape can be used to create an assignment task that is assigned to a specific user or group of users. The instructions for the assignment can be added to the Description field in the Assignment shape, which will be displayed to the user when they receive the assignment.
  2. Using a custom section: A custom section can be added to the form for the case type that includes instructions for the assignment. The custom section can be configured to display the instructions when the assignment is assigned to a user, or it can be made available for viewing at any time by the user.
  3. Using a flow action: A flow action can be created that includes instructions for the assignment. The flow action can be executed when the assignment is assigned to a user, and the instructions can be displayed as part of the flow action.
  4. Using the case information section: The case information section can be used to display instructions for the assignment. The case information section can be configured to display the instructions when the assignment is assigned to a user, or it can be made available for viewing at any time by the user.

It is important to ensure that the instructions are clear and concise, and that they provide the information that the user needs to complete the assignment successfully.

By adding instructions to assignments in Pega, organizations can ensure that users have the information they need to complete the assignment correctly and efficiently, which can help improve the overall efficiency of the process and reduce the risk of errors.

Creating a Pega Application