Tips To Have A Healthy Smile And Good Oral Hygiene

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Your mouth always contains billions of bacteria. The bacteria may be present as plaques which cause gingivitis and tooth decay. These conditions may lead to periodontal disease, so it is necessary for you to always practise good oral hygiene if you want your smile to remain healthy.

Different things like visiting a dental hygienist near me regularly, flossing a minimum of once daily, brushing after every meal, and using an antimicrobial mouth wash will help prevent the reproduction of bacteria in your mouth. Eating healthy foods with reduced sugar and starch content can also prevent tooth decay caused by bacteria in the mouth. 

Causes of tooth decay 

Your mouth harbours different bacteria which recycle all you eat and drink. The process may lead to tooth decay because the sugar in our drink and food serve as a nutrient for bacteria growth, leaving waste in the mouth called biofilm, commonly called dental plaque. 

Dental plaque allows the bacteria to remain in the mouth for long, converting sugar to acid, which can wear down the enamel and lead to cavities. 

The bacteria harboured in the mouth in the form of plaques also accumulate near the gums, producing toxic products which enter the gum tissues to cause gingivitis. Untreated gingivitis may cause periodontitis, a more severe condition affecting the tissues and bone around the teeth.

Different foods make the bacteria in the mouth to produce acids. One of the most common is sugary foods. Other food like those containing starch such as cereals and crackers may also form acid in the mouth. 

Plaques in the mouth also cause gum irritation, leading to the gum’s sensitivity, redness, and bleeding. If untreated, the condition may cause the gums to pull away from the teeth, forming pus and bacteria pocket. In advanced stages of the condition, the teeth become loose or destroyed, requiring tooth removal. 

Prevention of tooth decay 

Brushing your teeth often is the best mode of prevention for tooth decay and removal of plaque. Brushing can remove the tartar accumulated on your tooth surface, so it is important to brush a minimum of twice daily with a soft-bristled brush that fits correctly into your mouth and reaches all areas of your mouth. 

Ensure you use a fluoride toothpaste with antimicrobial properties, which helps protect your teeth from decay. Using floss to remove plaque accumulated between your teeth and areas your toothbrush cannot reach, will help prevent gum disease. 

Correct flossing and brushing techniques 

Dental experts recommend the following techniques for brushing and flossing the teeth. 


  • First, keep your brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums 
  • Use short, but back and forth motions to clean the teeth. Ensure each stroke is wide enough for a tooth. 
  • Brush every area of your teeth, including the inner surface, chewing and outer surfaces
  • Use the tip of your toothbrush to clean inside your tooth’s surface with gentle top to bottom stokes. 
  • Remember to brush your tongue as this keeps your breath fresh and removes bacteria in your mouth.


  • Use a floss with a length of about 18 inches, then wrap it around your middle fingers on both hands. Ensure the floss is tight between your forefingers and thumbs. 
  • Gently rub the piece of floss between your teeth, using a gentle motion
  • Curve the floss into a C shape for each tooth when you get to the gum line, then, gently slide the floss between your tooth and gum. 
  • For each tooth, bring the floss to the contact point, and move in a vertical, then horizontal motion, make the floss to take the shape of the tooth. 
  • Hold the floss against your tooth and gently rub the sides of the tooth while moving the floss from your gum area using an up-to-down motion. 
  • Ensure you do this for all your teeth. 

Using mouth rinse

A mouth rinse provides additional protection to your mouth. It can help clean your mouth, reduce plaques and bacteria activity in your mouth, which prevents gingivitis and gum disease. Using a mouthwash also helps to prevent and reduce tooth decay. Before you opt for a new mouthwash, consult your dentist about it. 

Certain products may not be suitable for people of different ages. For example, rinses containing fluoride are not suitable for children aged six and below because they can ingest them. Ensure you check the manufacturer’s instruction for use and age recommendation.

Additional teeth and gum maintaining tips 

  • Try to reduce your consumption of sweetened drinks
  • Drink lots of water after each meal and taking sweetened beverages to clear the sugar and acids in your mouth
  • You can take water, milk or yoghurt as an alternative to sugary drinks. 

Your oral health is quite important. It affects different areas of your life, including your self-confidence and general health, so try to follow the tips above for better oral health. 

If you have any dental issue due to lack of care, you need to visit your dentist for proper care. Regular visits to a hygienist near me can clean your teeth properly to avoid tooth decay, gingivitis and other dental conditions. 

At Dental Hygienist London, you can get an experienced hygienist for your teeth cleaning. Our dentists are also available to carry out regular teeth check-ups to detect any dental condition and offer treatment before they become severe. Call us today on 020 3137 5055 to book an appointment with us. 

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