How to Choose Natural Perfumes for Your Loved Ones

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As the fall approaches, the festive season becomes and we all love to be a little extra prepared for such occasions. Festive seasons bring in love and warmth. Well, celebrating that cozy feeling with a gift never goes wrong. However, while opting for gifts for loved ones is something special and to synchronize that feeling the gift also needs to be special. While going through a lot of gifting options, we realised the importance of natural perfumes and how well they go with gifting. While reading this you might be wondering that perfumes are not a soul gift as they are considered to be evil since ancient times but if you ask us then we are way far from that taboo. As per our opinion, organic perfumes are one of the best gifts as they are personal to the wearer and give out a feeling of love. Apart from this, you might be wondering how to select the one, and to help you with all such confusion we are here with this piece.

What are Natural Perfumes?

Popularly known as organic and alcohol-free perfumes. Natural perfumes are the innovation of new age market needs. With the growing concern around chemical-based products, the perfume industry thought of taking a shift and launching natural perfumes. Organic perfumes are similar to your usual perfume that are a little better than that. They don’t carry any kind of chemicals, alcohol, or synthetic materials in them. They are front and behind the label chemical-free. So, if a perfumer tells you their perfume is made with natural oils then trust them because they might have used natural rose to extract it in a bottle.

How to Choose An Organic Perfume for Your Loved Ones?

Choosing an alcohol-free perfume for your loved ones is not so difficult. All you need to do is follow the below-mentioned points and shop accordingly.

Discover their Favourite Smells

Try to remember the times when they have told you about their favourite fragrances. They might have told you any time about their choice of scent but if not then try to ask them randomly. However, don’t give them a hint about the same. If you are too cautious and don’t wanna take any risk then check their lifestyle and personality and try to check what kind of food they like and what clothing they opt for. Doing this will help you to check their preferred notes. Apart from this, there is another option of asking their acquaintances. Go ahead and ask family members and friends about the things they like.

Match their Current One with A Natural Perfume

Well, this one comes easy and you can easily perform this activity to find the exact same perfume for them but something as good as organic perfume. Go ahead and check what kind of fragrances they wear. Check the deodorant they are wearing or their current perfume. Google the same name online and discover the notes it carries. Once you determine the notes of alcohol-free perfume you will be sorted for life. Try to find an organic perfume similar to that. And Voila your job is done.

Start with a Perfume Trial Set

Well, we understand that some things are not meant for some people and they like to keep it very basic and casual. If you don’t want to take any kind of risk and get something easy and safe then go ahead and shop for a natural perfume trial set. It will have 6-7 vials of different fragrances that work for everyone. It will also choose their signature scent, partywear scent, an everyday scent. Just go ahead and grab the organic perfume trial set as it offers plenty of benefits. Apart from this, it will be a travel-friendly option for your loved ones. They can easily carry your gift anywhere they want in their smallest bag or pocket and freshen up whenever they want.

Ask them to Choose

The very last thing that you can opt for is to ask them to choose the alcohol-free perfume. You can either take them on a small shopping spree or you can send them the preferred website links. Let them do the job and you just pay off the bills. If your beloved is a woman then a shopping spree will work great but if your beloved is a man then online shopping will be the preference. Just give them company while choosing and help them with your opinions too. This task will help you build chemistry together.

Finding the right organic perfume for your loved ones might seem like a task but trust us it is all worth it. It will portray to them the love you carry for them and whenever they will wear that alcohol-free perfume and someone compliments them, it will be a love reminder striking on the door for you.